
Curse of the Usurper- RPG 5e

Created by Tomb Guardians

The LARGEST 5e adventure/campaign EVER WRITTEN with over 1000+ pages, 50+ maps, 50+ minis, and so much more! Be part of history!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Clarification on the Lottery "Curse of the Usurper"
2 days ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 02:07:54 PM

Happy Thursday!

We have a quick update about the lottery to share today.  We have been receiving numerous emails about clarification for being eligible for the lottery for Curse of the Usurper.  So hopefully this will help.  Please follow the directions below and I hope this solves the issue.

  1. 1.  You must have purchased the PDF or Book version of Curse of the Usurper.  If you haven't purchased the campaign, you still have time and register for the lottery.  Click here:
  2. 2.  To enter the lottery, please click here and fill out the form.
  3. 3.  You need to follow us on discord and twitch.  We will use discord for revealing the lottery results and any important information moving forward.  Twitch will be used for game play and everyone watching will be able to comment and talk!  
  4. Register for discord at:
  5. Register for twitch at:

Lastly, and this is very important!!!  There are still more than 100 pledges that have not filled out your surveys and have declined payments.  YOU MUST finalize your address and shipping.  You have till October 15th to finalize the survey.  If you do not do this, there is no way we can ship you, your products.  We will NOT issue any refunds for not filling out your surveys.  We are not trying to be rude but we have been asking now for over a half a year to finish.  Time is running out.

Thank you for your understand and we hope everyone is having a great week!  Anyone that has any questions please email us at [email protected]

Tomb Guardians Team

STL Files are Released - Monthly Update
11 days ago – Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 10:35:28 AM

Good Afternoon all our gamers!

Wow, I cant believe it is already the end of August!  Time is flying by this year, but that also means its getting closer to fulfillment next year.  We hope everyone had a safe and fun filled summer.  Today, we have a lot to go over so lets just dive into the update.

First, for all those pledges that purchased the STL files, those are being released this afternoon.  You will need to go into your Backer Kit profile and under your "Digital Downloads" folder you will see instructions under "STL Dungeon Files".  All you have to do is click the link or copy and paste the link to your browser and go and download your files.  There are a ton of files to download so it may take you a little bite of time to download.

Second, we announced 2 weeks ago the "Curse of the Usurper VTT Playthrough Lottery!!!" 6 lucky winners will embark on an epic adventure led by Tomb Guardians Owner and DM, Cass Suwinski!  Lottery open until Tuesday, 9/10! We will do a live drawing of winners on Discord.  We will be doing our first live stream playthrough with the 6 winners on Tuesday, 9/24 @ 9PM EST.  

To register please go too:

Third,  is the Status of the books which we will list below:

  • Book 1 - "Trouble in Havdhir"  Finished and PDF files released (those files are in your Backerkit "Digital Downloads File" 
  • Book 4 - "Innocent in Still Echo"  Finished and PDF files released (those files are in your Backerkit "Digital Downloads File" 
  • Book 2 - "Darklands of Vlaskhell"  Completely written and currently in editing.  Because the owner added nearly 200 pages the editing is going to take longer and expected to finish in Oct/Nov.  Then the book will be passed onto Chris for formatting in a book form.  Expected release date @Feb. 2025.  Artwork is 95% completed and will be finished next month.  Music is completed and Voice Acting will start next month with a completion of Oct/Nov.
  • Book 3 - "Mines of Shjekhel"  Book is completely written and now being reviewed and read by the owner.  Editing is expected to start November and take until February 2025 to complete.  Once completed then Chris will format the book.  Artwork is expected to start in October to finish the last book.  

Fourth, request for audio files.  Tomb Guardians has been asked if we could release the audio files for the first 2 books released.  The owner Cass, is working on getting those files assembled to be released digitally to everyone.  We will keep you posted on this release in the near future.  

Fifth, miniature collection.  All the miniatures are completed and you can see the painted miniatures on our website located here:  Distribution of the miniatures will be announced later this year in the last quarter of the year, roughly Nov/December time frame. 

Sixth, Shard tabletop VTT has also released the first 2 books and everyone should have received an email directly from them.  If you do not get an email, lost it or misplaced the link please email us at [email protected] and we will get you another link.  

Lastly, we would love to hear from everyone that has started playing the campaign, and hear what you have to say about the adventure.  Please post your comments on our forum here:

As always, if anyone has any questions please let us know at [email protected].  We hope you have a great end of the month and we will talk to you next month.
Tomb Guardians Team

Who Wants to Play?
20 days ago – Sun, Aug 18, 2024 at 05:39:09 PM

Happy Sunday Evening!!

We wanted to send out a quick surprise update about something SUPER COOL!  

Tomorrow, Tomb Guardians we be emailing everyone with the opportunity to play "Curse of the Usurper" with our owner, Cass!  Cass is going to DM the campaign on Shard Tabletop!!!

How this will work, is that you will be directed to register for a lottery on our website for "FREE".  The lottery will be open until September 9th and we will draw 6 random winners live on September 10th.   Cass plans on starting on September 24th.  

There are several rules listed below with more details later this month.


  1. 1.  You must have purchased the main campaign either on the Kickstarter or late pledge.
  2. 2.  You must be able to speak English.  Sorry
  3. 3.  You will need to register tomorrow 8/19/24 - 9/9/24 for the lottery at our website:
  4. 4.  You will need to have a twitch account and follow us on our twitch page. We will send the 6 players further information later.  Here is our twitch acct:
  5. 5.  We will be playing on Tuesday nights at 9pm EST. (The day of the week may change)
  6. 6.  Cass plans on running the campaign twice a month.

More information will be provided later this month.  This will be a ton of fun and we hope you are one of the lucky 6 players!!!  If you have any questions after tomorrows email please email us at [email protected]

Have a great night!

Tomb Guardians Team

Shard Tabletop "Innocent in Still Echo" Delivered
29 days ago – Fri, Aug 09, 2024 at 09:26:16 AM

Good Morning everyone,

We are excited to announce that the second book is now playable on VTT for your party to explore!  As most of you already probably know, the VTT Shard Tabletop version of the book "Innocent in Still Echo" have been emailed out from Shard Tabletop.  They emailed everyone that purchased the supplemental version of the book yesterday.   You should have received an email directly from Shard Tabletop.  If you didn't receive an email please let us know at [email protected].  Also, please remember you had to purchase this book as an add on.  This is not a free item in the Kickstarter.

We hope everyone enjoys this adventure through an underground prison!  Have a great weekend!

Tomb Guardians Team

Book #4 PDF "Innocent in Still Echo"
about 1 month ago – Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 01:24:52 PM

Happy Sunday Everyone,

We are sending out a quick update today, because we are getting a ton of requests for the PDF for Book #4.  We are asking everyone to please check your spam folders and your email folders, because the PDF file has gone out to the people who have purchased them.  

Book #4, "Innocent in Still Echo", is not a free book nor included in the pledge levels.  You had to add it to your purchases and either purchase the hardback copy or PDF or both.  The hardback copy cost $19.00 and the PDF is $6.00.  If you didn't purchase this book and you would like a copy please let us know at [email protected] and we can add it and collect the fee even if you have completed your survey.  Please review your pledges and purchases before sending us a message.  Thank you for your understanding

Tomb Guardians Team