
Curse of the Usurper- RPG 5e

Created by Tomb Guardians

The LARGEST 5e adventure/campaign EVER WRITTEN with over 1000+ pages, 50+ maps, 50+ minis, and so much more! Be part of history!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Survey are being sent out!
7 months ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2024 at 12:51:16 PM

Happy Monday!

We hope everyone had a great weekend as we did.  First, please say Happy Birthday to our owner, Cass!  I know he doesn't want anyone to know its his birthday but hey he's not writing this update. LOL   So, Happy Birthday Boss, from your team!  Hope you have a great birthday.

Ok, so lets dive into this.  Surveys are being emailed out this afternoon.  Today only 5% of the surveys are being sent to make sure there are no issues.  Once we have 90% of those returned with no issues, we will be emailing the rest.  We anticipate those going out on Wednesday.  Again, we will send out an email to everyone.  ***We are collecting all shipping and VAT taxes for the appropriate countries in the EU.  If VAT is not collected on the survey then you will be responsible for your taxes at the time of arrival of your pledge.  

Lastly, we would like to thank everyone for your support in this Kickstarter and our company. It means a great deal to us.  To thank you for your support and patience's we are giving everyone a special discount on your next order on our website "Buy 2 Get 1 FREE".             This coupon is good till the end of May, 2024.  Use this coupon code at check out:  KickstarterThxU24 

Click the website link to be connected:

Neverdawn Asylum - Darklands of Vlaskhell

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].  If there are issues with the Backer kit surveys, you can reach out to Backer Kit customer support or us.  

Have a great day!

Tomb Guardians Team

Surveys are coming!
7 months ago – Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 11:39:35 AM

Happy Monday to everyone!

I cannot believe another month has gone by and February is almost over.  But, that also means we have updates for everyone.  March, is going to be a very exciting month for us and we are very excited.  So lets just jump into the updates. 

First, lets talk about item fulfillments coming in March!

Surveys - Surveys will start being emailed out this week.  We are shooting for a partial survey launch on Wednesday and finishing all emailed surveys by Friday of this week.  You will have till the end of April to complete but the sooner we get these surveys finalized the sooner we will know our final counts.  Please watch your emails.  We will be sending out a notification when the surveys start being emailed.  

Shard Tabletop Version - We received confirmation from Shard Tabletop that they will be ready to email everyone their subscription code to the free version of "Curse of the Usurper".  We are looking at a launch date around March 15th.  Shard Tabletop will be emailing you directly your codes.  Everyone has a free version.

Dungeon STL Files - We are also finishing up and finalizing the last dungeon STL files.  These will also be distributed to everyone (that purchased them) in late March.  We have printed all the files to make sure there is no issues.  We will also send out an update when these are released.  ***Please note - Level 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are not included in the Kickstarter and will be available for purchase as an add on.  These dungeon tiles go along with the adventure of the book.  You do not have to purchase them to complete the campaign.  But they are nice terrain pieces for your players.

  • Special Rooms
  • Shjekhel Key - 3-piece set(Completed and included in Kickstarter)
  • Azkhells Tower - 10 story tower (Completed and included in Kickstarter)
  • Level 1 - The Crypt - (Completed and included in Kickstarter) 
  • Level 2 - Realm of the Troll King (Living Area) - (Completed) 
  • Level 3 - Overgrown Hall (Mushroom Farm) - (Completed) 
  • Level 4 - The Haunted Lake - (Completed and included in Kickstarter) 
  • Level 5 - Ignis Lava Falls - (Completed) 
  • Level 6 - The Nihidium Forge - (Completed) 
  • Level 7 - Glowing Halls (Crystal Hall) - (Completed) 
  • Level 8 - Throne of the Usurper - (50% Completed)
Frozen Zombie - Book 2 Darklands of Vlaskhell

 Production Time Line - Production time line is still on pace to be completed on time and below lists each book on where they are at in completion to the finish product.

  • Book 1 "Trouble In Havdhir" - Book 1 is 100% completed
  • Book 4 "Innocent in Still Echo" - Book 4 is 100% complete.  Our editors and formatter are in the final review before sending it off to Cass to review and sign off.  Once this is completed this book also be sent to Shard Tabletop to add to the campaign.  We are anticipating the programming of this book by Shard Tabletop to be finished end of March beginning of April, 2024.   Once completed, everyone that purchased the add on will be granted a Token code for access to this adventure.   Just a reminder, this is an extra adventure to the overall campaign.
  • Book 2 "Darklands of Vaskhell" - This book is completely written and in editing, artwork, Voice Over recordings, map making and music composition.  We anticipate this will take us till the spring to complete and then send to the formatter to put in book format.  Completion of Book 2 we are anticipating mid-summer, 2024.  Below are a few new pictures, and items.
Mornhaven Assault 
Ancient Frozen Ship
The Ravaged Bear Tavern 
+2 Halberd
Ghostly Net
  • Book 3 "Mines of Shjekhel" - Book 3 is now about 75% written.  Anticipated completion date is mid March, 2024.   Then this last book will go into editing, review and corrections.  Once this is completed, artwork, Voice Over acting, Music and map making can start.  Once this is completed, formatting will get the book and we are anticipating a December 2024 completion date.
  • Miniatures - This one is easy, all the miniatures are completed and ready to go to manufacturing when the time is ready.  (Completed)

Last on the list is Create your own NPC and Miniature!

  • Create your own NPC and Miniature - Ok for the people that pledged "Be Part of the Book or I Want It All" we need you to send us an email with your full name, email address and best time to call you.  We would like to set you up with the writer and the sculpture to create your miniature.  Please email us as soon as possible so we can get started with you and not slow down the process.  Email us at [email protected].  That is the owner's email, and he is expecting an email from those that pledged this level.  Right now, only 1 person has been in contact with us.  It is very important you get ahold of us.

If anyone has any questions, please let us know at [email protected].  We promise to give monthly updates from now on.  Thank you for your patience and once again we thank everyone for your support and confidence in our company.  Have a great day!

Tomb Guardians Team

Happy New Year!
8 months ago – Mon, Jan 29, 2024 at 12:18:41 PM

Hello all!

First we want to wish everyone a Happy New Years and hope this year is better for everyone than last.  Secondly, we want to apologize for the long wait in this update.  Our owner, has been very ill over the past 3-4 weeks and we needed him to proceed.  Saying that, his health is improving and we are very excited to give everyone an update today.  We will include some pictures, and general updates below.  So lets get right into it.

Surveys - Everyone is highly anticipating and waiting to get their surveys emailed to them.  Because our owner has been sick the surveys are delayed.  We expect them to be sent out within the next few weeks.  We will issue an update prior to them being emailed.  The backend is being completed by Backerkit and work has already started to complete.  If anyone wants to upgrade there pledges levels this will be allowed.

Production Time Line - Production time line is still on pace to be completed on time and below lists each book on where they are at in completion to the finish product.

  • Book 1 "Trouble In Havdhir" - Book 1 is 100% finished and signed off by the owner.  Book 1 has been sent to Shard Tabletop and programming of the online version is nearly completed.  We anticipate this will be completed by mid February and we will be issuing tokens(by email) to everyone that pledged.   This means you will be able to start your campaign online very soon!
  • Book 4 "Innocent in Still Echo" - Book 4 is completely finished also.  Our editors are in the final review before sending it off to Cass to review and sign off.  Once this is completed this book also be sent to Shard Tabletop to add to the campaign.  We are anticipating the programming of this book to be finished March/April, 2024 and then we will send out access to everyone that purchased the add on book so you can add onto the campaign of Book 1. Just a reminder, this is an extra adventure to the overall campaign.
Rebel Camp
  • Book 2 "Darklands of Vaskhel" - This book is completely written and now in editing, artwork, Voice Over recordings, map making and music composition.  We anticipate this will take us till the spring to complete and then send to the formatter to put in book format.  Completion of Book 2 we are anticipating mid-summer, 2024.  Below are a few new pictures, and items.
Whispering Wall
Whispering Wall
Ruins of Ulfhild
Fort Priar
Darklands Rose
Stone Splitter
  • Book 3 "Mines of Shjekhel" - Book 3 is now about 75% written.  With the owner down, this has delayed our writer Dillon.  Anticipated completion date is mid March, 2024.   Then this last book will go into editing, review and corrections.  Once this is completed, artwork, Voice Over acting, Music and map making can start.  Once this is completed, formating will get the book and we are anticipating a December, 2024 completion date.

STL Dungeon Tiles -  There is some good news here.  We anticipated releasing the dungeon tiles ahead of schedule!   A ton of progress has been achieved.  Our graphic artist, Chris has done an amazing job and is way ahead of schedule.  During the campaign, there where 2 special rooms(The Crypt and The Haunted Lake), that are included with the pledge level due to stretch goals.  These 2 special rooms are for the last Book or Book 3.  The book in which the party meets the boss "The Usurper".  To get to the boss, you will first have to traverse 8 Dungeon levels, all levels having special rooms to the dungeon.  I have seen most of the special rooms and they are amazing!   As a gamer, they are incredible and huge!  He loves huge and boy they are amazing.  Cass is in the process of painting them now to post pictures at a later date.  Below is the status and name of the special rooms.  The special rooms are anticipated to be completed by mid February.  Then we will complete the individual dungeon tiles and release these early to everyone that pledged.  We will keep everyone up to date on releases. 

  • Special Rooms
  • Level 1 - Main Entrance - (Completed) 
  • Level 2 - Realm of the Troll King(Living Area) - (50% Completed) 
  • Level 3 - Overgrown Hall(Mushroom Farm) - (Completed) 
  • Level 4 - The Haunted Lake - (Completed) 
  • Level 5 - Ignis Lava Falls - (Completed) 
  • Level 6 - The Nihidium Forge - (Completed) 
  • Level 7 - Glowing Halls(Crystal Hall) - (Completed) 
  • Level 8 - Throne of the Usurper - Not Started Yet

Miniatures - This one is easy, all the miniatures are completed and ready to go to manufacturing when the time is ready.  (Completed)

Last on the list is Create your own NPC and Miniature!

  • Create your own NPC and Miniature - Ok for the people that pledged "Be Part of the Book" we need you to send us an email with your full name, email address and best time to call you.  We would like to set you up with the writer and the sculpture to create your miniature.  Please email us as soon as possible so we can get started with you and not slow down the process.  Email us at [email protected].  That is the owners email and he is expecting an email from those that pledged this level.  Right now only 1 person has been in contact with us.  

If anyone has any questions please let us know at [email protected].  We promise to give monthly updates from now on.  Thank you for your patience and once again we thank everyone for your support and confidence in our company.  Have a great day

Tomb Guardians team

Monthly Update - The Race is On!!!
10 months ago – Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 04:26:48 PM

Good Evening All!

Wow we cant believe that a little over a month has passed since the end of the Kickstarter?  So now is time for an update and it will be a little lengthy.  As most of you all knew, we took sometime off and catch our breath and relax.  This year has been very busy and the Kickstarter was no exception.  So lets just jump into the vast amount of information.

First, lets start with the status of the 4 books.

Book 1 "Trouble In Havdhir" - Book 1 is completely done and waiting for the owner to sign off the final version.  We anticipate Book 1 will be sent to Shard Tabletop and programming of the online version to start within the next week or two.  From our understanding this process will be completed in 30-60 days.  So if everything goes well, we will be able to send out access for the online playable version of Book 1 by end of February, 2024.

Book 4 "Innocent in Still Echo" - Book 4 is completely finished and currently with our formatter to compile it into an awesome book!  We anticipate this process to be finished by mid-January, 2024.  Once this is completed the owner will review the final book, sign off and then send this book also to Shard Tabletop.  We are anticipating the programming of this book to be finished March/April, 2024 and then we will send out access to everyone so you can add onto the campaign of Book 1.   Just a reminder, this is an extra adventure to the overall campaign.

Book 2 "Darklands of Vaskhel" - This book is completely written and now in editing, artwork, Voice Over recordings, map making and music composition.  We anticipate this will take us till the spring to complete and then send to the formatter to put in book format.  Completion of Book 2 we are anticipating mid-summer, 2024.

Book 3 "Mines of Shjekhel" - Book 3 is now about 50% written.  Dillon our writer has set a completion date of mid-January, 2024.  Where then this last book will go into editing, review and corrections.  Once this is completed, artwork, Voice Over acting, Music and map making can start.  Once this is completed, formating will get the book and we are anticipating a December, 2024 completion date.

Next on our list is the surveys.

  • Survey's - We are planning on mailing out the surveys mid-December around the 15th.  We will be keeping the surveys open for several months because we are still accepting late pledges.  If you do not get an email around the 15th of December please reach out.  We will also, email everyone letting you know that the surveys are being mailed.  The backend is being completed by Backerkit.  And yes anyone wishing to upgrade pledge levels or add onto their pledges will be able to do so.

Next on our list is Dungeon Tiles!

  • STL Dungeon Tiles -  There is some really good news here.  We anticipated releasing the dungeon tiles Spring/Summer, 2024 however, a ton of progress has been achieved.  Our graphic artist, Chris has done an amazing job and is way ahead of schedule.  During the campaign, there where 2 special rooms(The Crypt and The Haunted Lake), that are included with the pledge level due to stretch goals.  These 2 special rooms are for the last Book or Book 3.  The book in which the party meets the boss "The Usurper".  To get to the boss, you will first have to traverse 8 Dungeon levels, all levels having special rooms to the dungeon.  Here's, the great news, the owner Cass, decided to complete all 8 levels of the dungeon with dungeon tiles(included in the pledge for free) and all the special rooms for each level!!  I have to say as a gamer, they are incredible and huge!  He loves huge and boy they are amazing.  We will post picture renders below.  Cass is in the process of painting them now to post pictures at a later date.  Below is the status and name of the special rooms

Special Rooms

  • Level 1 - Main Entrance - (Completed)
  • Level 2 - Realm of the Troll King(Living Area) - Not Started Yet
  • Level 3 - Overgrown Hall(Mushroom Farm) - (Completed)
  • Level 4 - The Haunted Lake - (Completed)
  • Level 5 - Ignis Lava Falls - (Completed)
  • Level 6 - The Nihidium Forge - (Completed)
  • Level 7 - Glowing Halls(Crystal Hall) - (50% Completed)
  • Level 8 - Throne of the Usurper - Not Started Yet
The Crypt - Dungeon Level 2
6 Different Mushrooms and a lake come with this set
Overgrown Hall(Mushroom Farm) - Dungeon Level 3
The Haunted Lake - Dungeon Level 4
Ignis Lava Falls - Dungeon Level 5

Next on the list is Miniatures!

  • Miniatures - This one is easy, all the miniatures are completed and ready to go to manufacturing when the time is ready.  (Completed)

Last on the list is Create your own NPC and Miniature!

  • Create your own NPC and Miniature - Ok for the people that pledged "Be Part of the Book" we need you to send us an email with your full name, email address and best time to call you.  We would like to set you up with the writer and the sculpture to create your miniature.  Please email us as soon as possible so we can get started with you and not slow down the process.  Email us at [email protected].  That is the owners email and he is expecting an email from those that pledged this level.

Finally we were going to post some pictures for your review and enjoyment but Kickstarter is not allowing us to post them as of right now.  So those will have to wait to another day.  If anyone has any questions please let us know at [email protected]

Hangmans Bridge (Still Echo - Book 4)
Sproutshaven (Still Echo - Book 4)
Screaming Caves (Still Echo - Book 4)
Light's End Den - (Still Echo - Book 4)
Rudimentary Skin Armor - (Still Echo - Book 4)
Black Pudding - (Still Echo - Book 4)
Sproutshaven Map - (Still Echo - Book 4)
Painted Hall Map - (Still Echo - Book 4)

Have a great night

Tomb Guardians Team

New Discord Channel Open!
11 months ago – Tue, Oct 17, 2023 at 11:45:57 AM

We have some exciting news to share with everyone this afternoon.  But first, let me say, that we promise not to overwhelm you with tones of emails and updates from us.  But this one is very exciting for us.  

Our marketing team has been working to set up a brand new "Discord Channel" for Tomb Guardians.  We are inviting everyone to come join and check the new channel out.  There are some really cool things you can do on the channel.  Like, post pictures of miniatures you have painted, up coming announcements, upcoming Kickstarter's, share artwork and even submit a resume to join our team.  Click the link below to join or the picture.  Just by joining you will receive a 40% off coupon that you can use at our store till the end of them month!  Come and join us today!!

Click to join:

If you have any comments on how to improve the new channel please let us know!  We appreciate all feedback.  Thank you

Have a great day

Tomb Guardians Team