
Curse of the Usurper- RPG 5e

Created by Tomb Guardians

The LARGEST 5e adventure/campaign EVER WRITTEN with over 1000+ pages, 50+ maps, 50+ minis, and so much more! Be part of history!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Never too "Late to Pledge"
11 months ago – Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 10:53:52 AM

Happy Monday All!

We wanted to start off the week with a quick update and share some great projects on Kickstarter at the moment.  So lets get right into the updates.

1.  We are accepting "Late Pledges" till Feb/March of next year.  Any new stretch goals that may get unlocked will count toward your rewards,so please help us keep spreading the news about our book.  Surveys, will sent our mid November and we will let you know the exact date in a future update.

2.  Status on the books:  

  • Book 1 is in final review and formatting and nearly 100% complete.  
  • Book 4(Innoceint in Still Echo), editing is now 100% complete, VO and music recordings are now 100% complete, Artwork is 75% completed, and maps are 80% completed.  At the current pace we will be moving Book 4 into formating stage at the end of October, with a projected completed date of 12/31/23.
  • Book 2(Darklands of Vaskhell) - 100% written, editing has just begun.
  • Book 3(Mines of Shjekhel) - Currently the writer has completed about 15% of the book with a completion date of December 31st, 2023.

Below is this weeks picture to share:  Sprouthaven Map(Innoceint in Still Echo)

Sprouthaven Map

3.  Other 5e campaigns on Kickstarter.   We wanted to bring your attention to some incredible Kickstarter's campaigns on the market currently.  Please take a look at these awesome Kickstarter's and support our fellow enthusiast's.  

1.  Exordium:  Origins of Mythos is a 5e supplement with epic-level content for all tiers of 5th edition, made by the indie team Eren Chronicles!

Within its 250+ pages this compendium will allow you to follow the paths of Mythic Heroes, forge your own Legacy, gain power beyond measure and eventually, draw the ire of your direct counterpart; a formidable Mythic Nemesis.

You can support The Eren Chronicles campaign now! Click the link below and help bring this book to life!


2.  The Monster Book of Legends for 5e:  Inside this expansive homebrew manual, they have meticulously adaped over 200 real-world folkore tales into fully-statted monsters, NPCs, locations, and magic items specially crafted for 5th edition DnD.  Click the link below and show them some support: 

If anyone has any questions or comments please reach out to us at [email protected]

Hope you all have a great week!

Tomb Guardians Team

Now Accepting Late Pledges!
11 months ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 03:13:22 PM

Good Evening All!

We have more exciting news for you today!!!  

The owner "Cass" has decided to allow "Late Pledges" but also to extend the Stretch Goal time!  He has extended the Stretch goal time to October 31st at midnight.  What that means is if we hit the locked stretch goals, Tomb Guardians will include those in your pledge!  However, this will only work if you help us.  We need "EVERYONE " to help promote this campaign to reach even high stretch goal tiers!!!  We have enough to go all the way up to a Million dollars!  The next one is only roughly $5,000 away.  

Late Pledges Click:

Have a great night

Tomb Guardians Team

1609 Backers! Thank You!!!
11 months ago – Thu, Oct 12, 2023 at 09:04:35 AM


We want to send out a huge "Thank You" to each and everyone that supported us in this campaign!  

Thank you!   Thank you!!   Thank you!!! 

It really does mean a lot to our team and we will not let you down!   We are going to take a few weeks off to rest and recover.  But we will return and get this campaign finished and in your hands as soon as we can!  

So what is next?  The easy answer is....a lot!  

Here is the first update for everyone.  When we return in a few weeks, we will be finishing Book 1(Trouble in Havdhir) and Book 4(Innocent in Still-Echo).   It is my understanding as of today, that we will be emailing out the PDF files for Book 1 and Book 4 when they are completed in Jan/Feb, 2024.  This is so you do not have to wait to start playing unless of course you want to wait for the books and accessories.  Shard Tabletop has also agreed to publish Book 1 when it is finished and we are talking with them about Book 4 release at the same time or closely following.  Now that will take them sometime to the campaign programmed but you will not have to wait to start playing this amazing campaign!

Ok, next topic...Late Pledges.  Are we accepting late pledges?  Yes, absolutely we will be opening the campaign for late pledges here shortly.  We have already started working on the back end, to get this ready.  Late pledges will be open for roughly 4-6 months.  This leads us to when will surveys be sent out?  Surveys and backend information will be send out in a different email.  Unfortunately, at this point it is too early to say but we will let you know in a different update.  Approximate, deliver date is mid-November.  If this changes we will let you know.

Again we want to say thank you again!  If anyone has any questions or comments please let us know.  You can post it here or send us an email to:  [email protected]

Have a wonderful day!  

Tomb Guardians Team

1400 Backers!!! 24 HOURS LEFT
11 months ago – Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 09:43:48 AM

We just hit 1400 Backers!!!  That is amazing and thank you so much!!!

A quick few announcements for the last 24 hours of the campaign.  YES that is correct we only have 24 hours left in this awesome campaign!  Ok lets get into the announcements.

First, I want to thank each and everyone of you for your loyal support and confidence you have in our project.  That means the world to me and our team.   Without you we could not have made this possible!

Second, we are adding another "Special Stretch Goal" at $187k!  We love our miniatures and this is a really cool party miniature, "Half Elf Barbarian with Backstory"

Lastly, we have been asked a bunch does the adventure go from level 15 and higher?  The simple answer is no.  Not in the 3 books as it is written right now.  However, if we get to the 225k Pledge level we do have a stretch goal that takes the party from Level 15 to Level 20!!!  If you haven't pledged yet don't wait its your last opportunity!

Lets make the last 24 hours very magical and crush it.

Thank you again for all your support.  Any questions please let us know!

Have a great last 24 hours!

Tomb Guardians Team

1400 Backers!!! 24 HOURS LEFT
11 months ago – Wed, Oct 11, 2023 at 08:55:55 AM

We just hit 1400 Backers!!!  That is amazing and thank you so much!!!

A quick few announcements for the last 24 hours of the campaign.  YES that is correct we only have 24 hours left in this awesome campaign!  Ok lets get into the announcements.

First, I want to thank each and everyone of you for your loyal support and confidence you have in our project.  That means the world to me and our team.   Without you we could not have made this possible!

Second, we are adding another "Special Stretch Goal" at $187k!  We love our miniatures and this is a really cool party miniature, "Half Elf Barbarian with Backstory"

Lastly, we have been asked a bunch does the adventure go from level 15 and higher?  The simple answer is no.  Not in the 3 books as it is written right now.  However, if we get to the 225k Pledge level we do have a stretch goal that takes the party from Level 15 to Level 20!!!  If you haven't pledged yet don't wait its your last opportunity!

Lets make the last 24 hours very magical and crush it.  

Thank you again for all your support.  Any questions please let us know!

Have a great last 24 hours!

Tomb Guardians Team