
Curse of the Usurper- RPG 5e

Created by Tomb Guardians

The LARGEST 5e adventure/campaign EVER WRITTEN with over 1000+ pages, 50+ maps, 50+ minis, and so much more! Be part of history!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Special Announcement! ONLY 48 HOURS LEFT!!!
11 months ago – Tue, Oct 10, 2023 at 08:00:03 AM

OMG the end is near!

We only have 48 Hours left in this amazing Kickstarter!

Don't miss out on this epic 4 Book 5e campaign, taking your players from Level 1 - Level 15!  You only have 48 hours left to get this campaign at an amazing discount.  4 Books for $19.25($73 total) each compared to 1 D&D book at $69.95!

Pledge NOW:

Special Announcement!

New Stretch Goal added! $162K  STL Special Printable Room - "The Haunted Lake" part of the Lost Mines of Shjekhel(Book 3).  "The Haunted Lake" is a large 9 section room which comes with a boat and Dwarven Portal.  11 pieces in all!  It is huge!!! 

Pledge NOW:

Lets rock the last 48 hours!!!  Help spread the word in all your social medias spots!

Tomb Guardians Team

OMG! We are being FEATURED by Kickstarter!!!
12 months ago – Thu, Oct 05, 2023 at 08:22:08 AM

Good morning everyone!

We have unbelievable news to share with you this morning!  Tomb Guardians, just received news that Kickstarter has selected "Curse of the Usurper" as a "Project We Love"!  What this means for the campaign is huge!!!  Kickstarter is going to email all there customers in the gaming sector and advertise our campaign to everyone!  You will all see an email from them in the next few days!

We want to give a huge thank you out to everyone that has pledged and following this campaign because without your support this campaign nor this exciting news would have never happened.  We also want to send out a thank you to Kickstarter for there support!  

Please help us spread the word and lets make the last 7 days of this project amazing!  

Join Us For a FREE Online Q&A Tonight @ 10pm EST!
12 months ago – Tue, Oct 03, 2023 at 08:20:17 AM

Good Morning!

Join us for a free online Q&A tonight at 10pm ET!  Our writer, Dillon Olney and owner, Cass Suwinski will be online to answer everyone's questions!

We can't wait to see you there!

Free Q&A Registration:

See you all tonight!  We cant wait to answer everyones questions!

Tomb Guardians Team

Q & A Session and much more!
12 months ago – Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 12:45:45 PM

Happy Friday all!

We hope everyone is having a great week and we are sure everyone is looking forward to this weekend!  Who's gaming this weekend???  Send us an invite and maybe we will show up!  

So a quick announcements before the weekend.

1.  We are providing a Q & A Session this coming Tuesday, October 3rd at 10pm EST.  Our writer Dillon Olney and owner Cass Suwinski will be on the google meet to answer everyone's questions.  Maybe, even share a few pictures of the project that no one has yet seen?  We will have to wait and see what Cass has instore.  To register click the link:

Here are a few new pictures from this weeks work!  

Barter and Buy - shop located in Still Echo
Painted Hall - Still Echo

Hope you all have a great weekend!  Let us know if you have any comments or questions.

Tomb Guardians Team

50K In the Books and 9 Stretch Goals UNLOCKED!!!
almost 1 year ago – Sun, Sep 17, 2023 at 11:58:53 AM

Happy Sunday Everyone!

This is an exciting update because we have just hit 50,000 dollars and now the really cool stretch goals are about to start!  The next one which is number 10 is Bloody Janes Miniature!  She is part of the Innocent in Still Echo supplemental Adventure.  Hope you love this miniature.   A little backstory about Bloody Jane:  "Bloody Jane was once a proud adventurer by the name of Janie Pwenth. She was a human who journeyed to the far corners of the world searching for the new and the unusual, but she returned from an ill-fated journey to Mornhaven as a changed woman. What none in Still-Echo know is that, via a necklace of death dodging, Janie became possessed by a powerful ghost that resided in the frozen lands to the north."

Bloody Jane

Other good news is that we have opened Stretch goals 7, 8 and 9!  Thank you for everyone that has pledged and supported this amazing campaign!

If anyone has any questions or comments please reach out to us!  Heres our contact:  [email protected]

Have a great day

Tomb Guardians Team