
Curse of the Usurper- RPG 5e

Created by Tomb Guardians

The LARGEST 5e adventure/campaign EVER WRITTEN with over 1000+ pages, 50+ maps, 50+ minis, and so much more! Be part of history!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Innocent in Still Echo PDF Mailed!
about 2 months ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 02:00:20 PM

Good Afternoon Everyone!

We wanted to let everyone know that Book #4 - "Innocent in Still-Echo" is going to be delivered into your email that have purchased the PDF version of the book.  Please wait until tomorrow morning if you have not received your copy.  This will give the book a little time to get through everyone's email filters.  If you haven't received it by tomorrow please reach out to us at [email protected] and we will send you a copy.

Lastly, the Shard Tabletop version will be release by weeks end.  We are finalizing some last minute fixes in the adventure.  You will receive an email directly from Shard with a link for adventure.  We will send out an email when it is available for play at the end of the week.  Also, if anyone is interested in purchasing the supplemental adventure you will be able to purchase it through Shard Tabletop!

Tomb Guardians Team

Happy July!
about 2 months ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2024 at 04:19:00 PM

Hello Everyone,

Today, we have an update and its going to be a long one.  There are a lot of good stuff to go over today with the books!  So instead of just talking lets jump right into the information.  

  1. First, Book 1 "Trouble in Havdhir" was released a few months back on Shard Tabletop and we are hoping everyone is enjoying themselves playing the campaign.  We would love to hear your comments and post them on our Forum!  Here is a link:
  2. Second, Book #4 "Innocent in Still Echo" is being released on Shard Tabletop by the end of the month.  We are waiting for a few corrections but hopefully we can send those also out by the 31st!
  3. Third, Book #4 "Innocent in Still Echo" PDF version will also be released next week.  So if you purchased the PDF version you will be receiving that.  We will send out an update on the release.
  4. Fourth, All STL files for the dungeon tiles are now complete and we will also be releasing those and sending those via email to you next week!

Now lets talk about the other 2 books(Book 2 and Book 3)!  

  • Book #2 "Darklands of Vlaskhell" - There is some outstanding news here.  The owner decided to add nearly 200 additional pages to this book!   The book now is over 500 pages long!  Its a mammoth book but it is far and above our favorite and due to the added material it will take us longer to finish.  However, you get to benefit from the added material!
  • Book 2 status is follow: 
    • Book 2 is in the editing department(expected finish will take roughly 2 months).   
    • All portrait artwork is finished.
    • All item artwork is finished.
    • Scenery Artwork still has around 30 pictures left to finish(80% complete).
    • Actor Voice Over should start next week and expected to take 2 months to finish.
    • Maps are moving along nicely and are roughly 80% completed.
    • Miniatures are finished.

We expect to turn Book 2 over to Chris our formatter sometime in September.  Once Chris has the book it will take him and our editing department roughly 2-3 months to finish.  We will keep you posted.

  • Next is the last book, Book #3 "Mines of Shjekhel".  This book is now completely written and approved.  However, we will not move forward on Book 3 until we have finished Book #2.  Once artwork is finished on Book #2 we will move quickly to Book #3, same goes for editing, voice acting and maps.  We expect artwork will start about a month before editing, voice acting, and maps starts.
  • Finally, the last item.  There are still over 100 customers that have not filled out your surveys on the backend.  These surveys need to be filled out by the end of August.  This is the final deadline.  If you do not fill them out you will not receive your purchase and there are no refunds.  Also, there are numerous accounts that payments got denied on the backend.  Those also need to be corrected as soon as possible.  We are not trying to be rude or screw anyone but soon we will be needing to place our order for manufacturing.     
  • Late pledges will stop being accepted on September 30th, 2025.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]

Have a great weekend.  We leave you with a few new pictures from our book!

Tomb Guardians Team

Moving along nicely!
4 months ago – Sat, Jun 01, 2024 at 03:55:05 PM

Happy June 1st!!!

We cant believe it is June already!  Time is flying by and we wanted to give a quick update to everyone before the summer starts.  So, lets get right into the update.

  • As everyone should know by now, the 1st book "Trouble in Havdhir" has been released by PDF and on Shard Tabletop VTT!  We hope everyone is playing in person and online.  Post us a review on our website and let us know what you think!  Heres the link:
  • The 4th book or supplemental adventure that goes with "Trouble in Havdhir" and takes the party through an underground prison, is now going through final review and is currently being programmed for release on Shard Tabletop this month.  We expect to release both the PDF version and Shard VTT version at the end of the month.  
  • STL files, have run into a slight snag.  The final dungeon room where the party will meet the Usurper, had to be changed and modified.  Those changes are currently being made and once completed we will print.  Expect the STL files to be in your email mid month.  We will make an announcement before we release.  This is a huge file and will be delivered by a "zip file".
  • We are currently working on Book 2 "Darklands of Vlaskhell."  This book got a little bit out of control and the owner wanted to add more and more.  This book alone is now over 500 pages but WOW ITS AMAZING and we cannot wait for you all to start playing!  Currently, the book is in editing, going back and forth between the editors, the writer and the owner.Editing is about 30% done.  Artwork is also coming along nicely and stands at roughly 70% complete.  Actor voiceover, will start once editing is completed.  Lastly, is the maps.  Maps are also about 70% complete.  If all goes well we are anticipating to hand over Book 2 to our formatter(Chris) by end of July.  We are a little behind schedule on this book but its due to us adding more content to the book.
  • The last book, Book 3.  Book 3 is completely written. And our writer is in process of final review before he turns it over to the owner for his approval.  Once, approved the owner will mark the book up and then go back to Dillon.  Once, that goes back and forth(rather fast process) it will be turned over to editing. 
  • Finally, the last item.  There are still a lot of customers that have not filled out your surveys on the backend.  These surveys need to be filled out by the end of July.  If you do not fill them out you will not receive your purchase and there are no refunds.  Also, there are numerous accounts that payments got denied on the backend.  Those also need to be corrected as soon as possible.  We are not trying to be rude or screw anyone but soon we will be needing to place our order for manufacturing.  

Lastly, before we finish we wanted to let everyone know that our writer Dillon is releasing his own 5e book!  Called "The Mages' War", Magic vs. Machines.   Please check it out!  It releases mid June.  

Here is a link to follow:  

Well that's it for now.  We hope everyone has a safe and fun summer.  We will post an update in mid July.  By that time we will have a lot more to talk about.  If anyone has any questions or comments please email us at [email protected].   We leave your with a few new pieces of art.  Hope you like them.

Necromancer Chamber
Ancient Rites Room
Giant Staircase
Goblin Chamber

Have a great weekend

Tomb Guardians Team

Book 1 "Trouble in Havdhir" Released
4 months ago – Thu, May 16, 2024 at 07:18:14 AM

Good morning all you gamers!

Today is the day!  Shortly, we will be starting to send out the PDF version of Book 1 "Trouble in Havdhir".  Please check your email and your spam folder.  The file is being sent out to everyone that has filled out the survey and have fully paid on the backend allowing us to lock your order.  If you haven't filled out the survey or finalized yet, you will not receive the file until you do.  Also, those that have had your payment denied will not receive the files until fully processed.  

For those of us that are just slow and haven't gotten around to fill out your surveys.  When you do fill out the survey and lock your order, we will be sending out those files once a week on Wednesdays.  

Lastly, please wait until the end of the day if you haven't received your PDF files.  It is a big file and may take some time to be received in your inbox.  Thanks again for your patience's and have a great time playing the first part of the adventure, Curse of the Usurper!

Any questions please email [email protected]

Have a great day!

Tomb Guardians Team 

Book 1 PDF "Trouble in Havdhir" is being Released!
4 months ago – Fri, May 10, 2024 at 02:08:33 PM

Hello Everyone!

Today is an exciting day for us.  We have a big update today and lots of information to share. So lets get right into it.  First, I would like to again, thank everyone who pledged to our campaign!  It means the world to us and the trust you have placed with Tomb Guardians. 

We totally understand everyone's excitement and wanting to get your hands on these books, VTT and PDF's, ect...  The good news is, we are now able and are starting to releasing some of these items.  A book this size takes a lot of time and patience's.  Please remember this is the largest 5e book ever written!  The book is now over 1200 pages!  Ok lets get into the news.

Coming Releases!!!

  • We launched Book 1 "Trouble in Havdhir" on Shard Tabletop last week.  You should have received an email with a link directly from Shard.  If you are missing that email, please look in your spam folder.  If not in there please email us at [email protected].
  • Book 4 "Innocent in Still-Echo" - as of today, has also been sent to Shard Tabletop for programming and get ready to be released.  We are expecting this to be released mid-June on Shard VTT. Depending on Shards programming department. 
  •  STL Dungeon Tiles are on there final proofs and prints!  We plan on releasing these files at the end of the month(May 30th) if everything goes well. 98% of the tiles are finished and printed.  Below are a few pictures of the painted tiles that our owner(Cass) painted.
Ignis Falls STL File
Ignis Falls STL File
Crystal Caverns STL File
Crystal Caverns STL File
Haunted Lake STL File
Haunted Lake STL File
  • Now here is the news you all been waiting for!  Book 1 PDF version will be released next week!  We are expecting to send out emails on Wednesday, May 15th.  You will receive next week an update on the release of Book 1 "Trouble in Havdhir"  You will receive an email with a link to download the book.  This is a 279 page book.  Please do not lose this email and please check your spam folders the day of the release.  We will not send it twice, however if you didn't receive it or email bounces we will send a new link.   
  • Book 4 PDF "Innocent in Still-Echo" is also going to be released on May 29th!  This 164 page book is a supplemental adventure to Book 1 "Trouble in Havdhir".

Now lets talk about the other two books!

Book 2 "Darklands of Vlaskhell" - Our owner went a little crazy on this section, since it was his favorite and added a whole bunch of content!  Adding more quests, adventures and he had Dillon our writter, flush out an entire 4 family vampire fortress!  Its massive and amazing!  This book currently stands at 500 pages without art, voiceover, and music!  Like I said its massive. 

  • Book 2 is completely written and in the editing process.  We are hoping to finish editing mid June.  Artwork for the book is 80% complete; Music tracks are 50% complete with a completion date on all Book 2 tracks by end of May; Voiceover will not start till all editing is completed, once completed we will send all voice overs to the actor.  
  • Once the above are finished we will then send to the formatter, which will take 2-3 months to complete.  We are looking at a completion date around September 30th, 2023.

Book 3 "Lost Mines of Shjekhel" - This book is completely written and is process of being proof read by our team and the owner.  Once this is completed, we will then send to editing, order artwork, music tracks, and voiceover.  This is a little bit out yet with an approximate completion date of December 31st, 2023.  

Who is coming to Origins 2023?  We are!!!

We are excited to announce that Tomb Guardians will be at Origins this year!   Our owner, Cass will be there all week, from Wednesday till Sunday.  He will be running 2 different dungeon crawls!  Space is limited per game to 6 players and he is running twice a day Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  Once on Wednesday night and once on Sunday morning!  We will be giving away "Free giveaways" for those who join us!   Here's a hint!!! This is a great way for anyone that loves miniatures and dungeon crawls to playtest our dungeon crawl game that will be released sometime in the near future!

  • We are located in Exhibit Hall C - Booth 2202
  • The Event name is: Echoes of the Crystallin Caverns
  • Limited spots available(6 per event)
  • Free Giveaways to those that join us
Exhibit Hall C, Booth 2202

More Great News to Share!

The adventure "Curse of Usurper" doesn't end here!  Tomb Guardians and our writer Dillon Olney have agreed to write a second set of books once "Curse of Usurper" is finished!  We have been waiting to announce this exciting news but now is the time since 50% of the books are now completed.  Dillon and our team are now in process of brainstorming and story boarding the next series of books.  What we can tell you is below:

  • This series will also have 3 chapters or books.
  • We will expand our world and world map to include new races.
  • We will send out a survey in the near future to get your feedback on which type of races, you want?  Cass, has one already picked out!  Suggestions are always welcome, just email us at [email protected].
  • Expected release Fall of 2025 on Kickstarter.

Lastly, here are a few more artwork from Book 2.  Have a great weekend.  If anyone has any questions please send us an email too [email protected].

Ancient Stone
Artic Witness
Peatro's Hall of Music
Ruins of Ulfhild

Tomb Guardians Team